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Computer Architecture and Paralel Systems

All duties are defined in information system Edison.

Study materials for exam:

  1. Computer architecture P01.
  2. Device communication P02.
  3. RISC processors P03.
  4. Intel processors evolution P04.
  5. Computer memories P05.
  6. Monolitic computers P06.
  7. Hard disks and optical drives P07.
  8. Monitors P08.
  9. IC technology P09.
  10. CUDA P10.

Exam examples:

Examples of exam assignment: ex1.pdf & ex2.pdf.

Study materials for labs:

Programming in C:

C language tutorial online.

PDF book of programming in C (local copy).

Source codes:

Threads programming example.

CUDA programming examples.


Short documentation of ATmega32 microcontroler.

Full version documentation of ATmega32 microcontroler.

LCD module documentation BC1602A.

Eight bit expander for I2C bus documentation PCF8574.

Digital thermometer DS1621.

FM radio module SI4735.

RDS specification EN50067.

RDS and FM radio short selection from datasheets SI-EN-SHORT.


AVR-KIT USB driver for Windows CDC-inf.

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