Do not adjust to the system. Adjust the system!
The total number of 100 points will be divided between credit and exam 45/55.
The exam will be only therotetical in written form. Minimum is 28 points.
The credit will consist of three blocks. The minimum of points for credit is 23 points.
The first block is work with assembly language. Points 2+3+3+4, min 6.
The second block is microcomputer programming. In the sedond block will be three topics: LED, LCD and FM Radio (7+7+7 points, minimum 11). The every topics will be for two weeks and points will be divided to 2+5.
The third block will be CUDA (GPU) programming.
The CUDA will be for four weeks and will be evaluated 3+4+5 points.
The minimum for the third block is 6 points.
In each block can be one taks fixed within two weeks of completing the block. Each block can be fixed only once.
Design by poli 2021