Table of Contents
2: Numbers and Errors
Computer representation of numbers
Number systems (Decimal)
Number Systems (Binary)
Converting numbers from one base to another
Converting from one base to another (con’t)
Converting from one base to another (con’t)
Other common bases
Floating point representation of numbers
IEEE 754 Floating point storage
IEEE 754 Floating point storage (cont’d)
IEEE 754 Floating point con’t
Characteristics of floating point numbers
Characteristics of floating point numbers
Characteristics of floating point numbers (con’t)
Characteristics of floating point numbers (cont’d)
Characteristics of floating point numbers (cont’d)
Characteristics of floating point numbers (cont’d)
Intermediate calculations
Error Definitions
Significant Digits
Significant digits and the machine unit
Significant digits example
Significant digits and rounding
Sources of Error
Sources of errors
Sources of errors
Machine errors: Loss of significant digits when doing a calculation
Machine errors (continued)
Machine errors (continued)
Machine errors (continued)
Machine errors (continued)
Machine errors (continued)
Machine Errors (Con’t)
Mathematical Approximation Errors
Mathematical Approximation Errors
Error Propagation
Error Propagation (con’t)
Propagation of error (con’t)
Propagation of error (con’t)
Propagation of error (con’t)
Propagation of errors in summations
Propagation of error in summations (con’t)