Do not adjust to the system. Adjust the system!
This documentation is not for beginners, it is short pocket guide designed for little experienced users.
$name | scalar |
@name | array |
%name | associative array, hash table |
\$name, $$name | reference, dereference |
Scalar - number or string, used acording to context.
$num = 32; $flo = 3.14; $ret = "hello"; print $num + $flo, "\n"; print "2^5 is", $num, "\n"; print "$ret, pi is $flo\n";
+, -, /, *, %, **, ++, -- | Aritmetic operators |
==, !=, <. <=, >, >= | Equality operators |
~, &, |, <<, >> | Bitwise operators |
sin, cos, atan2, abs, sqrt, log, exp | Math. functions |
int( x ), hex( str ), oct( str ), rand( n ), srand | Other functions |
and, &&, or, ||, not, ! | Logical operators |
eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge | Equality operators: |
. | concatenate |
chomp | delete EOL |
chop | delete last char |
chr( ch ) | return ordinal number of char |
index( str, substr [, offset ] ) | position of substring or -1, start at offset |
join( separator, array ) | return joined strings |
lc( str ) | string to lower case |
lcfirst( str ) | first char to lower case |
length( str ) | number of characters |
ord( num ) | get character form num |
rindex( str, substr [, offset] ) | last position of substring, start before offset |
split( /pattern/, string [, limit ] ) | splits string into array of string |
substr( str, +/-index [, +/-num [, new ] ] | return string from index and replace with new, if defined |
uc( str ) | string to upper case |
ucfirst( str ) | first char to lower case |
@ar1 = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); @ar2 = ( "yes", "no" ); @ar3 = @ar1[ 1 .. 3 ]; ($yes, $no) = @ar2; print $ar2[ 0 ], "/", $ar2[ 1 ], "\n"; print @ar1[ 0, 2, 4 ], @ar3, "\n"; print "\@ar1: first index", $[, "\n"; print "\@ar1: last index ", $#ar1, "\n"; print "\@ar1: (", join ( ",", @ar1 ), ")\n";
pop( @ar ) | delete and return last element |
push( @ar, list ) | add list to end of array |
shift( @ar ) | remove and return first element |
unshift( @ar, list ) | prepend list to front of array |
splice( @ar, from [, num [, list ] ] | remove and return num elements from and replace them with list, if defined |
Associative array is pair of key and value.
# key1 - val key2 - val key3 - val %speed = ( "slow", 50, "fast", 100, "fastest", 150 ); %speed2 = ( "slow" => 50, "fast" => 100, "fastest" => 150 ); $speed{ race } = 300; print $speed{ slow }; print $speed{ "fast" }; print $speed{ Fastest }; # key not defined ! print $speed{ 'race' }; print $ENV{ PATH }; foreach $k ( keys %ENV ) { print "$k\n"; } foreach $v ( values %ENV ) { print "$v\n"; }
delete( %speed{ key } ) | delete key |
exists( %speed{ key } ) | exists hash key ? |
keys( %speed ) | return list of keys |
values( %speed } ) | return list of values |
Reference can be defined for all types of variables.
$str = "hello"; @ara = ( 1, 2, 3 ); %hash = ( true, 1, false, 0 ); $rstr = \$str; $rara = \@ara; $rhash = \%hash; print $$rstr; # "hello" print @$rara; # print whole array - 123 print $$rara[ 1 ]; print ${$rara}[ 2 ]; # 3 print keys %$rhash; # truefalse print $$rhash{ "false" }; # 0
$_ | default input |
$<digit> | last pattern match |
$&, $MATCH | last matched string |
$`, $PREMATCH | string preceding matched string |
$', $POSTMATCH | string following matched string |
$., $NR | current line number |
$? | status of last pipe, `` command or system() ($?>>8)=code, ($? & 255)=signal |
$! | current errno |
$@ | last eval() error |
$$, $PID | this process number |
$<, $UID | real uid of this process |
$>, $EUID | efective uid |
$(, $GID | real gid |
$), $EGID | efective gid |
$0 | script name |
$[ | index of first array element |
$] | perl version + pathlevel / 1000 |
$ARGV | current file name when reading from <> |
@ARGV | command line arguments |
$#ARGV | last argument index, first is 0 |
@_ | parameters passed to subroutine |
%ENV, $ENV{name} | environment variables |
%SIG, $SIG{name} | signal handlers |
The simple statement is an expression terminated with a semicolon.
Any statement may be followed by single modifier. The possible modifiers are:
print "Hello\n" if $debug; die "No arguments\n" unless $#ARGV + 1; print while <>; $line = <> until $line =~ /^end/;
Sequence of statements delimited by curly brackets is called a block.
To control flow may be used:
The LABEL is optional.
Two commands can be used in loop:
next LABEL | skip rest of loop and start next iteration (like continue in C) |
last LABEL | exit the loop and continue block is not executed (like break in C) |
For loop work like in C:
for ( Init_Expr; Condition_Expr; PostLoop_Expr ; ) { ... } for ( $i; $i < 10; $i++ ) { print $i; } # print 123456789
Foreach is synonym for for.
for $arg ( @ARGV ) { print "$arg\n"; } foreach $num ( 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 23 ) { print "$num is a prime\n"; } for $i ( 1 .. 10 ) { print "$i\n"; }
RegExp is used in pattern matching. The following metacharacters have their standard meaning:
\ | quote the next metacharacter |
^ | begin of the line |
$ | end of line |
. | any character |
| | alternation |
() | grouping |
[] | character class |
\d | [0-9] |
\D | [^0-9] |
\w | [a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\W | [^a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\s | [ \r\n\t\f] |
\S | [^ \r\n\t\f] |
Standard quantifiers:
* | match 0 or more times |
+ | match 1 or more times |
? | match 1 or 0 times |
{n} | match exactly n times |
{n,} | match at least n times |
{n,m} | match at least n and no more than n times |
Quantified pattern match as many times as possible. To match minimum number of times posible, follow the quantifier with ? - *?, +?, ....
<FILE> | read from file |
getc( FILE ) | read char from file |
open( FILE, name ) | open file |
print FILE list | print string |
printf FILE list | print string |
close( FILE ) | close file |
STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR | standard file handles |
'<name' | open file for read |
'>name' | create new file for write |
'>>name' | open for append |
'+<name' | open for read/write |
'+>name' | |
'-' | open stdin |
'>-' | open stdout |
'| program' | open program as pipe - for read "netstat |" |
Test file:
-r | file is readable |
-w | file is writable |
-x | file is executable |
-e | file exist |
-f | is a file |
-d | is a directory |
-l | is a symbolic link |
-z | file is empty |
-s | file is not empty |
chdir( dir ) | change directory |
chmod( rights, list ) | change rights |
chown( uid, gid, list ) | change owner |
closedir( DIR ) | close opened directory |
link( existing, link ) | make hard link |
mkdir( dir, rights ) | make directory |
opendir( DIR, dir ) | open directory |
readdir( DIR ) | return next filename |
rename( old, new ) | rename file |
rmdir( dir ) | delete directory |
symlink( existing, link ) | make symbolic link |
unlink( list ) | delete files |
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