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Serial Port Adapter for Raspberry Pi


Here is short tutorial, how to made own converter using MAX3232 transceiver. Raspberry Pi have RS232 with 3.3V level logic and UART use +/-12V.

Use PCB Layout to made small board. In the next step you will need 5x100k condensers, one MAX3232, F9 Canon conector and 2x5 pins connector. Now solder all parts correctly according to layout. For completeness, scheme of circuit is here.

The final form of serial adapter is on the following pictures:

Photo Photo

Now you can connect the adapter to the Raspberry Pi:

Photo Photo

To mount the Raspberry Pi in a box, you will need to create a hole in the box cover:


Mount serial adapter to box cover:

Photo Photo

Now close box:

Photo Photo

It is now possible to connect a computer with a serial cable. Good luck!

Design by poli 2021